Sunday, June 17, 2012

Islamic Historic places and Images

(Click on Image to Enlarge the View)

Al-Kahf Inside Cave

Prophet's Beard Hair

Cave where the announcement of Jesus’ birth was proclaimed to Mary


Claimed to be a foot print of Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him)

Claimed to be a foot print of Prophet Muhammad saw (peace be upon him)

Climbing to where the First Murder took place

Blessed Hairs of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Blessed Hairs of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Maqam Arabe'een - The hand Print of Arch Angel Gebriel

Part of the Large Stone Structure thought by some archaeologists to be the remains of King David's (Prophet Dawood) Palace

Place of First Murder Case in Human History

Prophet Muhammed Sword

Sayf ullah khalid ibn walid (in Red)

Sayyiduna Umar's and Sayyiduna Ali's Sword

Sayyiduna Uthman's and Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddiq's Sword

Structure Claimed to be the Noah's Ark near the Mount Ararat in Turkey

Structure Claimed to be the Noah's Ark near the Mount Ararat in Turkey

The cave in which the Prophet Job (Ayoub) lay ill, and the well whose sacred water washed and restored him

The Dust from tomb Sayyiduna Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasalim

The Temple of UR, Home of the Prophet Abraham in Iraq

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Islamic Museum in Makkah (Part 1)

(Click on Images to Enlarge the View)

 A brass crescent belonging to one of the minarets of the Holy Mosque dating back to 1299 H

 A copper door of the Holy Mosque dating Back to First Saudi construction

 A copper pillar which used to be on of the pillars around the Mataf dating back to the First Saudi construction of the Holy Mosque

 A Golden board made of six pieces,on an iron base on which Quranic verses are engraved.This used to be on the Ka'ba wall dated 1119H

 A Copper Plated leaf of a door to the pulpit of Sultan Sulaymaan Bin Saliim Khan the Holy Mosque.He ordered it to b made in 966H

 A marble arch facade of one of the doors to the holy Mosque dating back to 984 H

 A marble midday timer used to determine prayer times before the printing of the Hijiri Calendar

 A piece of the Saudi green curtain of the Holy Ka'aba

 A pillar's base of granite from the twelve th century on Al Hijrah

 A wooden door of the Holy Mosque Dating back to the early years of the fourteenthcentury of the Hijrah.

 Ash.0.0...-Shumaisi stone moldings dating back to tenth century of the Hijrah

Ash-Shumaisi moldings which used to be above one of the entrance of the Holy Mosque

 Copper rings used to fix the Kiswa of the Holy Ka'ba dating back to the Saudi era

 Old metal coins taken from ZamZam Well during cleaning works

 The Basmalah and the two Suras of An-Nas and Al-Falaq engraved on Ash-Shumaisi molding to the twelfth century of the Hijrah

 The circling nave before the First Saudi Expansion and you can see the wooden stairecase of Al Kaabah behind Zamzam building

  The curtain of the Holy Ka'aba door

  The door to the Ottoman pulpit in the Prophet's Masjid which was made at the order of Sultan Murad III in 998 H

 The interior red curtain of the Holy Ka'aba which King Abdul Aziz ordered to made

 Two marble tiles on one is engraved a cypress and on the other a palm-tree like shape dating back to 1201 H

weights made of led used to fix the Kiswa of the Holy Ka'ba dating back to the Saudi era